Tuesday With Teri

Devotions from lessons I'm learning from God

Keep Your Head Up July 14, 2009

Filed under: Christianity,devotionals,life — tlmiller82 @ 11:24 pm

                                                                                                                                                                   P7140378          Hughie, our porky little Yorkie, had a rough day at the vet.   The good news is he did not require surgery.  The bad news is he has to let a few “spots” heal up.  At least he was able to avoid the indignity of having to wear one of those lamp shade protective collars.  Several years ago Duke, our former lab, did not get so lucky.   

          Picture an 85lb lab with a stiff plastic satellite dish around his head trying to maneuver around the house.  The worst part of having the dreaded protective collar was when Duke had to go up the stairs.  One night as I listened to the familiar “scrape, thud, scrape thud” of him ascending the steps, I heard my husband ( who for some reason always talks to the dogs in complete sentences) proclaim, “Well Duke, if you’d walk with your head up you wouldn’t have so much trouble!”    Now that’s a bumper sticker just waiting to be printed….”If you’d walk with your head up, you wouldn’t have so much trouble!”

          The world is so much like those collars.  Duke’s collar was part of his reality.  We must live in the world, it is our reality. Like those collars, the world challenges and changes us at times.  We can look down, like Duke did, and find climbing obstacles more challenging and frustrating.  Reality will bump into things, slow us down and discourage us. 

           We can choose to walk with our head up, focused beyond the constraints of the collar/world.  The world/collar may still be a part of our reality, but we’ll see much clearer and be able to steer much more effectively, when we walk with our head up.  This world might cause us trouble, but we can keep our head up and focus on the One who overcomes the world.  My world is big, my God is BIGGER!

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33


3 Responses to “Keep Your Head Up”

  1. Beckie Says:

    Oh – this is a really good one. And exceptionally good timing – thanks!

    (Scott…the proclaimer of great truth…who would have thunk it?)


  2. Penny Jo Says:

    Loved this one. My Chloe (70 pound coonhound) had to wear one as well. I can so relate to this. Plus this message tickled me. We were on the same wavelength this week. My posting was “Nose to the Ground”. I enjoy these, Teri.


  3. Ashley Says:

    Hey mom! just got caught up on some of your blogs 🙂 you are doing a great job with this. Poor hughie has had a rough couple weeks haha. I just wanted to drop you a note and say how much I love you. Your the best mom in the world.
    ps. thanks for getting the splinter out of my foot tonight..plus the hundred others over the years 🙂


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